#143 – Ronald Fulton – CEO – Cyber Soldier, Inc.
Ronald shares his knowledge on CMMC. We face the unfortunate truth that we are a target. Our businesses, our country, our wealth, and our information are all targets. New attack vectors are emerging and the threat landscape is continually evolving and increasing. Don’t let great be the enemy of good in relation to CMMC.
Connect with Ron: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ron-fulton-mba-cissp-cism-crisc-gcih-aa287529/
Visit Cyber Soldier: https://cybersoldier.io/
Visit Cyber Soldier Training website: https://cybersoldieracademy.com/
Visit Short Arms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/company/shortarmsolutions
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