#229 – Paul Cummings – Chief Executive Officer – Whole Cyber Human Initiative
Paul talks to us about being a cybersecurity research engineer, and the Whole Cyber Human Initiative. He talks about being a jack of all traits and the importance of being curious in this field. They touch on tiktok, and should it be a company issue, or an individual security issue? Some companies have already not allowed it on any devices on their network. Paul talks to us about IOT threats. We are doing a lot of tests, but not really getting to the hidden layers of the onion and getting to the issue at hand. There are turn key solutions out there, but they don’t get patched as often as then should. He shares some great insights on IOT. If you are interested in the internet of things, stay till the end and be sure to watch for bonus content later this week.
Connect with Paul: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paul-cummings/
Visit Whole Cyber Human Initiative: https://www.wholecyberhumaninitiative.org/
Visit Boots To Cyber: https://www.boots2cyber.com/
Visit Short Arms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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