#196 – Jack Rhysider – Creator and Host – Darknet Diaries
Jack talks to us about his background and inspiration for creating The Darknet Diaries. He discusses his entrepreneurial side, and how that helped him see what was missing and sought out to fill that need. Jack gives us some good examples around is security really companies “top concern”? Is there a balance between security I.E. not collecting any data, location, etc and usability? He talks about his experience blogging, and how when you have a hard time overcoming an obstacle, others probably are too. Blogging about those things along your journey can help others, and can be your personal notebook to reflect back on.
Connect with Jack: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jack-rhysider-02922a167/
Visit Darknet Diaries: https://darknetdiaries.com/
Visit Short Arms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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