#232 – Gia Maxhuni – Cybersecurity – UC Berkely Ext
We spoke to Gia at The Pacific Hackers Conference. She studied at UC Berkeley Extension. She tells us about her transition into cybersecurity and what motivated her to do that. She talks about how she found her passion for it, and how listening to podcasts helped her. She also talks about the bootcamp that got her started. As someone new to the industry she shares how important it is to keep learning. There is so much to learn and things are constantly changing so keep on top of the new changes in the field.
Connect with Gia: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gia-1/
Visit UC Berkeley Ext: https://extension.berkeley.edu/
Visit Pacific Hackers Association: https://www.pacifichackers.org/
Visit Short Arms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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