#244 – Abbas Aktas – CEO & Founder – dMarketplace
Abbas talks to us about his entrepreneurial history that lead him to dMarketplace. The exciting work of ecommerce that is coming up using crypto on Web 3. Abbas talks about why the shift to crypto currency is so important to our future. He elaborates on how technology can be used in a positive way to better our lives and improve our interactions and communication. Abbas leaves us with the parting point of switching to Web 3. There are a ton of talented people working on better solutions and logistics in Web 3 to create a community based interaction on the internet for the community, by the community.
Connect with Abbas: https://www.linkedin.com/in/abbas-aktas-817062229/
Visit dMarketplace: https://dmarketplace.app/
Visit Short Arms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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