#251 – SK Panda – Senior Vice President of Global Sales & Customer Success – MTI – Mobile Technologies Inc.
SK visits us again after starting a new position with MTI. He talks to us about the company and what they do as well as the transition from a larger company to more of a startup. They are working on combining all physical locks with digital. It is a $100 billion opportunity. SK elaborates on the importance of moving from physical to digital security and what we have to look out for when making that transition. He expounds on the three components: UX, physical and digital security, and analytics. There are great leaps that can and are being made in this physical space to reduce lost revenue.
Connect with SK: https://www.linkedin.com/in/skpsf/
Visit MTI: https://mtigs.com/
Visit Short Arms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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