#265 | Joe Gross | Director of Solutions Engineering | Graylog, Inc.
Joe discusses log management and solution engineering. He also elaborates on what are you trying to accomplish & how can your IT team achieve that? He shares what turned him towards blue teaming. He talks about the risk management of our critical infrastructure, and how cybersecurity can change everything about how we live our daily lives. He shares how his career has been directed towards logs over the last 5+ years. Joe stresses the importance of forethought about what you are building into things. We get focussed on what we can get done, and as fast as possible, but unless you can protect it, it is all for naught. A good vendor will tell you how to use yours logs correctly.
Connect with Joe: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joe-gross-se/
Visit Graylog, Inc.: https://www.graylog.org/
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