#266 | Cory O’Daniel | CEO & Co-Founder | Massdriver (YC W22)
Cory talks about Cloud operations and cybersecurity. He talks about not only being a software developer but also being an entrepreneur. He talks about platform engineering and how it can’t just be compliance lead security. Create better tools and systems to integrate security into the sprints. Tools do so many of the tasks, that we sometimes forget the why. This can cause issues when we start to integrate systems together. We need to build so we can scale security like we scale business operations to make sure both succeed. We need a better manifesto of how security is a cornerstone of platform engineering.
Connect with Cory: https://www.linkedin.com/in/coryodaniel/
Cory’s github: https://github.com/coryodaniel
Visit Massdriver (YC W22): https://www.massdriver.cloud/
Visit Shortarms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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