CPP 310 | Dr. Alexander Stein | Founder | Dolus Advisors
Dr. Alexander Stein, founder of Dulles Advisors, is not only a cybersecurity professional but also a licensed psychoanalyst. He emphasizes the importance of human decision-making in cybersecurity, stating that it’s a human issue involving technology, not just a technical problem. Stein advocates for leadership understanding the human element’s significance in cybersecurity strategy. He recounts a successful engagement where his expertise in human factors was pivotal in redesigning a cybersecurity awareness and training program for a large organization. Stein highlights the need to cultivate cyber champions within organizations and values introspection and self-awareness as essential “technologies” in cybersecurity.
Connect with Dr. Stein: https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexandersteinphd/
Visit Dolus Advisors: https://www.dolusadvisors.com/
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