The Cyber Pro Podcast Ep. 191 – Jeremy Swenson – Sr. Consultant – Abstract Forward Consulting, LLC
Jeremy talks to us about top ways small and medium businesses can mitigate Cyber Risks and Threats. He talks about the limited budgets and employees of SMB’s and how they wear multiple hats and have lots of responsibilities leading to outsourcing the cyber aspect. This can make it challenging to mitigate cyber risk. Jeremy shares tips and advice on what SMB’s can do to mitigate cyber risk. There are many resources and alerts out there to help these entrepreneurs. He also talks about different assessments and the benefits of consultants to help manage vendors and cyber risk. He has many articles and blog posts out there to help SMB’s.
Connect with Jeremy: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremyswenson00001/
Visit Abstract Forward Consulting: https://www.abstractforward.com/
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