The Cyber Pro Podcast Episode 172 – Ochaun Marshall – Security Consultant – Secure Ideas
“I code; I teach; I hack” Ochaun goes into detail as to what that truly means. He also talks about being a technologist. Ochaun explains how quantitative and qualitative analysis leads to being a better integrated person. He stresses and goes into detail about the importance of having the relationships within a company (security, development, operations) all be aligned with the company vision. Ochaun’s main takeaway is that application security is not just port 80 and port 443, there is vast complexity to understand it. Do not crack down on the Devs, work to mentor them into stronger security professionals.
Connect with Ochaun: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ochaunmarshall/
Visit Secure Ideas: https://www.secureideas.com/
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