The Cyber Pro Podcast Episode 187 – Gene Spafford – Professor – Purdue University
Gene shares a lot of good nuggets and insights with us today. He discusses how the field is all encompassing. It is fascinating because of the large scale problem solving, taking many factors into account to come up with a solution, and also getting students excited and to find their passion to go out and make a positive change in this constantly evolving and changing world. Gene shares the importance of remembering technology is only a part of what we do. Don’t lose the important part of the story by getting lost in the technology. People, economics, psychology, all play a role in everything we do as well. The important part of the story is integrated into business and social processes. He also discusses the budgeting challenge in academia where they don’t have access to the latest technology that is available in the “real world”. They do a great job instilling and educating them in core concepts and skills, so students are well prepared to adapt and learn when in the field.
Connect with Gene: https://www.linkedin.com/in/spafford/
Visit Purdue University: https://purdue.edu/
Visit CERIAS: https://www.cerias.purdue.edu/
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