#157 – Mike Jones – Founder – H4unt3d Hacker
Mike discusses the H4unt3d hacker community and culture. Mike talks about how being hated usually means you are doing something right. He talks about doing what you love and following that can lead to success. We still have a long way to go as treating cyber security as a top concern. Mike talks about how there is a lot of attacks that happen that we don’t, and never will know about. Mike stresses being genuine. Always be who you are and accept some will like you and some will not. Even with his experience and prowess, he discusses the human element of this space. Work hard, do your research, and stick with it. That is how you achieve goals. Mike emphasizes how he really wants to get back to the human element. Where we appreciated and invested in people. Unfortunately people are treated as a disposable commodity now. Find an industry that has what you, the type of person you want to be, and the career field you want to be in and latch on to it/them. Be honest about what you know, when you can answer the questions you know you are ready.
Connect with Mike: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikejonesnotanalias/
Check out The H4unt3d Hacker: https://thehauntedhacker.com/
Check out Knight Ink: https://knightinkmedia.com/
Visit Short Arms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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