#204 – Sara Anstey – Data Scientist – Novacoast
Sara shares how to quantify risk and uncertainty and understand data in cybersecurity. Sara talks about the differences and similarities with data science and cybersecurity. She shares what she loves about both industries. Sara explains how cyber is a top concern because of the regulations. Although using the data in cybersecurity can be used to drive the decisions in the business. Instead of just worrying about compliance we should shift and use it as a resource to help drive business decisions. If you use the data or correct statistical model in the right way, you can be more predictive vs reactive and reduce your spending. Having all the tools is great, but what are you doing with the data they are collecting? If you have the tools, you have the data. Make sure you are getting everything out of the data you are collecting, and therefore maximizing what you are spending for those tools.
Connect with Sara: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sara-anstey/
Visit Novacoast: https://www.novacoast.com/
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