#213 – Bryan Kavanagh – Cyber Security Operation Manager – Railpen
Bryan talks to us about running a SOC and has advice to anyone starting out in Cyber Security. He briefly discusses the differences globally in the industry. He discusses how cyber offers a good ROI for organizations and how it has grown to be more of a priority. Bryan does talk about the issue of filling positions in the industry is a global issue at this point. It is ok to be humble and not be the smartest or most knowledgable person in the room. Know how to get the information you need and continue to grow and learn from your contemporaries to improve the field as a whole. He also talks to us about how to deal with egos in the workplace.
Connect with Bryan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/%F0%9F%92%BB-bryan-kavanagh-598201173/
Visit Railpen: https://www.railpen.com/
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