#214 – Vladimer Botsvadze – Advisory Board Member – RETHINK Retail
We are very lucky to have Vladimer on the podcast. He is world renown and recognized as an expert in global marketing. He will be sharing how to Build a World-Class Personal Brand. Your online reputation matters more than ever. You will be inspired to build a powerful online personal brand using social networks including Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Instagram, and more. Sharpen your instincts to ensure you stay one step ahead of the competition. Be strategic about crafting and positioning your personal brand. Build a powerful reputation, which is vital to your success. Explore how to manage a personal brand and attract opportunities to you. Discover top strategies on how to break through the noise, stand out from the competition and build your online presence. Develop a pragmatic visibility and profile strategy. Build trust and credibility. Create a culture of authenticity and trust. Use the force of social media to connect with others. Discover new ways to stand out in a crowded global marketplace.
Connect with Vladimer: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vladimerbotsvadze/
Visit Vladimer’s personal website: https://www.vladimerbotsvadze.com/
Visit RETHINK: https://rethink.industries/
Visit Short Arms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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