#239 – Jen Winters – Founder – JW Marketing
Jen talks about bringing emerging technology, companies, and people together. She was a participant at Pacific Hackers this year. Jen talks about how the community came together to secure the workforce when a lot of people went remote. It shows what we can do and accomplish when we all work together to keep us secure. Even though we may be wearing different logos on our polos, stop the silos because we are all part of the same ‘family’. Our adversary is communicating and sharing how to beat us, so we should do the same. If we all worked together vs the bad actors, we would be unstoppable!
Connect with Jen: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenwinters1/
Visit The Pacific Hackers Association: https://www.pacifichackers.org/
Visit Short Arms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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