#267 | Jeremy Snyder | Founder and CEO | FireTail.io
Jeremy shares his insights on Cloud, API, and API Security. He talks about the role that ease of deployment plays in Cloud Formation to eliminate API security challenges. He talks about the expansion to a 24 hour cycle online. So we have to shift to thinking about securing that. Hackers have time and automation, so we have to secure against that. 80+% of internet traffic is API’s now. We are sending credit card information, home address, and a long list of other sensitive information across API’s. We have to think if we are building these solutions using secure API’s to protect against this information being stolen by bad actors.
Connect with Jeremy: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeremysnyder/
Visit FireTail.io: https://www.firetail.io/
Listen to the Ask a CISO Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/ask-a-ciso/id1596056884
Visit Shortarms website: https://www.shortarmsolutions.com/
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